Concept of Merona

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post this sketch of Merona, as it doesn’t seem to capture her personality the way I feel the first concept sketch did. But I still like it enough to share, and outfit-wise, it is a lot closer to my final design for the character. Plus it’s the first…

Giving Things Character

You’ve met my lead, now meet the team. Giving no names (at least not yet) we have (from right to lift) the doctor, the pilot, the loyal dog, the adventuress, the financier, and the linguist. When I was first formulating my story, I immediately began to craft its cast of characters. Because for me characters…

A Glimpse of Adventure

You’ve met Merona Grant (and if you haven’t, you should), and though for the time being I’ve put my writing edits on her story on hold (so I can go back with fresh eyes later), I’ve been plugging away at sketching in some of the interior concept art for her upcoming adventure. And well… I…

Meet Merona Grant

I’ve been working on a little story (which has slowly, and against my will, turned into a big story) for a while now, and I thought it was about time I introduced its heroine to the world. Meet Merona Grant. Adventuress, and treasure hunter for hire, with a predisposition for receiving black eyes, and a…

Centaur and Elf

I did this picture back in 2012, and just never got around to scanning or posting it. I chose today to post this because today is Lefthanders Day, and my archer just so happens to be left-handed. I didn’t intentionally do that to be honest, it was entirely composition related, but it would be rather…

Happy Robert Burns Day

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Robbie Burns Day! I recently did a sketch of a striking Celtic wild woman as inspiration for a short story, and thought I would share it today. Also, it seemed like the best way to make my extremely simple post a little more interesting.

Dwarf a Day: Well Kempt Dwarf

For day four, we have this interesting character. He has a little bit of a gnome quality to him, but I think he might just be more of an intellectual dwarf. They can’t all be warriors after all.

Dwarf a Day: Two Dwarf Sketches

For day two in my Dwarf a Day week leading up to the release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, I thought I might as well post two little sketches in one picture. That doesn’t mean I’m going to do three for day three or anything like that though, this is likely where the synchronization…

Dwarf a Day: Dwarf Profile Sketch

I decided to start posting a Dwarf a Day for the week leading up to the release of the movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, because it features thirteen dwarves, and I happen to like drawing gnarly dwarves in my free time. This is just a rough sketch of a dwarf profile to start off…

Elf Face Study

Here is the black and white pencil of the elf face study. I believe I did it sometime in 2004 or 2005, but I can’t be sure. It ended up not really looking much like the photo reference used, but I was referencing the lighting on the face more than anything.